Located 25 km northeast of Agen, the Romanesque church of Sainte-Quitterie is located between Massels and Massoulès, two small villages in the heart of the Lot-et-Garonne countryside. To visit the churche, meet Mr. Piccoli, Mayor of Massels, or Maria Garrouste, tourist office of Penne d'Agenais, both are enthusiast to explain to you the history of this building restored with great care. You will learn that the church of Sainte-Quitterie dates from the twelfth century and especially that it contains remarkable mural paintings of the fifteenth century, which have long been hidden under a whitewash. Different scenes of the life of Christ are represented. These paintings, which cover all the walls and vaults, reappear today, saved by a program of conservation and restoration.
Open all year round.
Spoken languages French