Soirée concert au Pavillon 108 - Dirty Shades, Casablanca et W!SARD

WelcomeSoirée concert au Pavillon 108 - Dirty Shades, Casablanca et W!SARD

Bordeaux-based post-punk band W!ZARD are known and respected for their explosiveness and anger. The trio is mainly influenced by Anglo-Saxon rock, from the mainstream post-punk of Idles and Shame to Ditz and Gillaband.
Dirty Shades is a French post-rock band with a singular musical identity. With an average age of 23, the quartet is built around powerful bass/drums, frenetic saturated female vocals and effects-laden guitar.
Heavy, epic middle-tempo rock.

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Soirée concert au Pavillon 108 - Dirty Shades, Casablanca et W!SARD

47500 - FUMEL
